Sakset frå The Booker Prizes (ekstern lenke):
The International Booker Prize is awarded annually for a single work of fiction, translated into English and published in the UK by a registered imprint. Both works of long form fiction and collections of short stories are eligible. Previously, the prize was awarded every two years for a writer's entire body of work.
Det ligger som regel eligible-liste på Goodreads, og den gir ein peikepinn på hvilke bøker som kan hamne på longlist, og eg leser gjerne eit par derifrå før lista blir annonsert. Eligible-perioden gjelder frå 01.05 - 30.04 (året etter).
- Ismail Kadare (Albania)
- Chinua Achebe (Nigeria)
- Things Fall Apart (1958)
- Alice Munro (Canada)
- Tiggerpiken (1977)
- Philip Roth (USA)
- Lydia Davis (USA)
- László Krasznahorkai (Ungarn) George Szirtes og Ottilie Mulzet
- Han Kang (Sør-Korea) The Vegetarian (Portobello Books) Deborah Smith (UK)
- José Eduardo Agualusa (Angola) A General Theory of Oblivion (Harvill Secker) Daniel Hahn (UK) - shortlist
- Elena Ferrante (Italia) The Story of the Lost Child (Europa Editions) Ann Goldstein (USA) - shortlist
- Yan Lianke (Kina) The Four Books (Chatto & Windus) Carlos Rojas (USA) - shortlist
- Orhan Pamuk (Tyrkia) A Strangeness in My Mind (Faber & Faber) Ekin Oklap (Tyrkia) - shortlist
- Robert Seethaler (Østerrike) A Whole Life (Picador) Charlotte Collins (UK) - shortlist
- Maylis de Kerangal (Frankrike) Mend the Living (Maclehose Press) Jessica Moore (Canada) - longlist
- Eka Kurniawan (Indonesia) Man Tiger (Verso Books) Labodalih Sembiring () - longlist
- Fiston Mwanza Mujila (Kongo-Kinshasa/Østerrike) Tram 83 (Jacaranda) Roland Glasser () - longlist
- Raduan Nassar (Brasil) A Cup of Rage (Penguin) Stefan Tobler () - longlist
- Marie NDiaye (Frankrike) Ladivine (Maclehose Press) Jordan Stump () - longlist
- Kenzaburö Öe (Japan) Death by Water (Atlantic Books) Deborah Boliver Boehm () - longlist
- Aki Ollikainen (Finland) White Hunger (Peirene Press) Emily Jeremiah & Fleur Jeremiah () - longlist
- David Grossman (Israel) A Horse Walks Into a Bar (Jonathan Cape) Jessica Cohen
- Mathias Enard (France) Compass (Fitzcarraldo Editions) Charlotte Mandell - shortlist
- Roy Jacobsen (Norway) The Unseen (Maclehose) Don Bartlett, Don Shaw - shortlist
- Dorthe Nors (Denmark) Mirror, Shoulder, Signal (Pushkin Press) Misha Hoekstra - shortlist
- Amos Oz (Israel) Judas (Chatto & Windus) Nicholas de Lange - shortlist
- Samanta Schweblin (Argentina) Fever Dream (Oneworld) Megan McDowell - shortlist
- Wioletta Greg (Poland) Swallowing Mercury (Portobello Books) Eliza Marciniak - longlist
- Stefan Hertmans (Belgium) War and Turpentine (Harvill Secker) David McKay - longlist
- Ismail Kadare (Albania) The Traitor's Niche (Harvill Secker) John Hodgson - longlist
- Jon Kalman Stefansson (Iceland) Fish Have No Feet (Maclehose) Phil Roughton - longlist
- Yan Lianke (China) The Explosion Chronicles (Chatto & Windus) Carlos Rojas - longlist
- Alain Mabanckou (France) Black Moses (Serpent's Tail) Helen Stevenson - longlist
- Clemens Meyer (Germany) Bricks and Mortar (Fitzcarraldo Editions) Katy Derbyshire - longlist
- Olga Tokarczuk (Poland), Jennifer Croft, Flights (Fitzcarraldo Editions)
- Virginie Despentes (France), Frank Wynne, Vernon Subutex 1 (MacLehose Press) - shortlist
- Han Kang (South Korea), Deborah Smith, The White Book (Portobello Books) - shortlist
- László Krasznahorkai (Hungary), John Batki, Ottilie Mulzet & George Szirtes, The World Goes On (Tuskar Rock Press) - shortlist
- Antonio Muñoz Molina (Spain), Camilo A. Ramirez, Like a Fading Shadow (Tuskar Rock Press) - shortlist
- Ahmed Saadawi (Iraq), Jonathan Wright, Frankenstein in Baghdad (Oneworld) - shortlist
- Laurent Binet (France), Sam Taylor, The 7th Function of Language (Harvill Secker) - longlist
- Javier Cercas (Spain), Frank Wynne, The Impostor (MacLehose Press) - longlist
- Jenny Erpenbeck (Germany), Susan Bernofsky, Go, Went, Gone (Portobello Books) - longlist
- Ariana Harwicz (Argentina), Sarah Moses & Carolina Orloff, Die, My Love (Charco Press) - longlist
- Christoph Ransmayr (Austria), Simon Pare, The Flying Mountain (Seagull Books) - longlist
- Wu Ming-Yi (Taiwan), Darryl Sterk, The Stolen Bicycle (Text Publishing) - longlist
- Gabriela Ybarra (Spain), Natasha Wimmer, The Dinner Guest (Harvill Secker) - longlist
- Johka Alharthi (Arabic / Omani), Marilyn Booth, Celestial Bodies (Sandstone Press Ltd, vinner)
- Annie Ernaux (French / French), Alison L. Strayer, The Years (Fitzcarraldo Editions, shortlist)
- Marion Poschmann (German / German), Jen Calleja, The Pine Islands (Profile Books, Serpent's Tail, shortlist)
- Olga Tokarczuk (Polish / Polish), Antonia Lloyd-Jones, Drive Your Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead (Fitzcarraldo Editions, shortlist)
- Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Spanish / Colombian), Anne McLean, The Shape Of The Ruins (Quercus, MacLehose Press, shortlist)
- Alia Trabucco Zeran (Spanish / Chilean and Italian), Sophie Hughes, The Remainder (And Other Stories, shortlist)
- Can Xue (Chinese / Chinese), Annelise Finegan Wasmoen, Love In The New Millennium (Yale University Press, longlist)
- Hwang Sok-yong (Korean / Korean), Sora Kim-Russell, At Dusk (Scribe, UK, longlist)
- Mazen Maarouf (Arabic / Icelandic and Palestinian), Jonathan Wright, Jokes For The Gunmen (Granta, Portobello Books, longlist)
- Hubert Mingarelli (French / French), Sam Taylor, Four Soldiers (Granta, Portobello Books, longlist)
- Samanta Schweblin (Spanish / Argentine and Italian), Megan McDowell, Mouthful Of Birds (Oneworld, longlist)
- Sara Stridsberg (Swedish / Swedish), Deborah Bragan-Turner, The Faculty Of Dreams (Quercus, MacLehose Press, longlist)
- Tommy Wieringa (Dutch / Dutch), Sam Garrett, The Death Of Murat Idrissi (Scribe, UK, longlist)
- Marieke Lucas Rijneveld (Dutch-Netherlands) Michele Hutchison The Discomfort of Evening Faber & Faber
- Shokoofeh Azar (Farsi-Iran) Anonymous The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree Europa Editions (shortlist)
- Gabriela Cabezón Cámara (Spanish-Argentina) Iona Macintyre og Fiona Mackintosh The Adventures of China Iron Charco Press (shortlist)
- Daniel Kehlmann (German-Germany) Ross Benjamin Tyll Quercus (shortlist)
- Fernanda Melchor (Spanish-Mexico) Sophie Hughes Hurricane Season Fitzcarraldo Editions (shortlist)
- Yoko Ogawa (Japanese-Japan) Stephen Snyder The Memory Police Harvill Secker (shortlist)
- Willem Anker (Afrikaans-South Africa) Michiel Heyns Red Dog Pushkin Press
- Jon Fosse (Norwegian-Norway) Damion Searls The Other Name: Septology I-II Fitzcarraldo Editions
- Nino Haratischvili (German-Georgia) Charlotte Collins og Ruth Martin The Eighth Life Scribe UK
- Michel Houellebecq (French-France) Shaun Whiteside Serotonin William Heinemann
- Emmanuelle Pagano (French-France) Sophie Lewis og Jennifer Higgins Faces on the Tip of My Tongue Peirene Press
- Samantha Schweblin (Spanish-Argentina) Megan McDowell Little Eyes Oneworld
- Enrique Vila-Matas (Spanish-Spain) Margaret Jull Costa og Sophie Hughes Mac and His Problem Harvill Secker
- At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop, translated from French by Anna Mocschovakis, Pushkin Press
- The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enríquez, translated from Spanish by Megan McDowell, Granta Books (shortlist)
- When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamín Labatut, translated from Spanish by Adrian Nathan West, Pushkin Press (shortlist)
- The Employees by Olga Ravn, translated from Danish by Martin Aitken, Lolli Editions (shortlist)
- In Memory of Memory by Maria Stepanova, translated from Russian by Sasha Dugdale, Fitzcarraldo Editions (shortlist)
- The War of the Poor by Éric Vuillard, translated from French by Mark Polizzotti, Pan Macmillan, Picador (shortlist)
- I Live in the Slums by Can Xue, translated from Chinese by Karen Gernant & Chen Zeping, Yale University Press (longlist)
- The Pear Field by Nana Ekvtimishvili, translated from Georgian by Elizabeth Heighway, Peirene Press (longlist)
- Summer Brother by Jaap Robben, translated from Dutch by David Doherty, World Editions (longlist)
- An Inventory of Losses by Judith Schalansky, translated from German by Jackie Smith, Quercus, MacLehose Press (longlist)
- Minor Detail by Adania Shibli, translated from Arabic by Elisabeth Jaquette, Fitzcarraldo Editions (longlist)
- The Perfect Nine: The Epic Gikuyu and Mumbi by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, translated from Gikuyu by the author, Vintage, Harvill Secker (longlist)
- Wretchedness by Andrzej Tichý, translated from Swedish by Nichola Smalley, And Other Stories (longlist)
- Tomb of Sand by Geetanjali Shree, translated by Daisy Rockwell (Tilted Axis) India
- Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung, translated by Anton Hur (Honford Star) Sør-Korea (shortlist)
- A New Name: Septology VI-VII by Jon Fosse, translated by Damion Searls (Fitzcarraldo) Noreg (shortlist)
- Heaven by Mieko Kawakami, translated by Samuel Bett and David Boyd (Picador) Japan (shortlist)
- Elena Knows by Claudia Piñeiro, translated by Frances Riddle (Charco) Argentina (shortlist))
- The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Jennifer Croft (Fitzcarraldo) Polen (shortlist)
- After The Sun by Jonas Eika, translated by Sherilyn Nicolette Hellberg (Lolli) Danmark
- More Than I Love My Life by David Grossman, translated by Jessica Cohen (Jonathan Cape) Israel
- The Book of Mother by Violaine Huisman, translated by Leslie Camhi (Virago) Frankrike
- Paradais by Fernanda Melchor, translated by Sophie Hughes (Fitzcarraldo) Mexico
- Love in the Big City by Sang Young Park, translated by Anton Hur (Tilted Axis) Sør-Korea
- Happy Stories, Mostly by Norman Erikson Pasaribu, translated by Tiffany Tsao (Tilted Axis) Indonesia
- Phenotypes by Paulo Scott, translated by Daniel Hahn (And Other Stories) Brasil
- Time Shelter by Georgi Gospodinov, translated by Angela Rodel (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) Bulgaria
- Boulder by Eva Baltasar, translated by Julia Sanches (And Other Stories) Spain (shortlist)
- Whale by Cheon Myeong-kwan, translated by Chi-Young Kim (Europa) South Korea (shortlist)
- The Gospel According to the New World by Maryse Condé, translated by Richard Philcox (World Editions) Guadeloupe (shortlist)
- Standing Heavy by GauZ’, translated by Frank Wynne (MacLehose) Ivory Coast (shortlist)
- Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel, translated by Rosalind Harvey (Fitzcarraldo) Mexico (shortlist)
- Is Mother Dead by Vigdis Hjorth, translated by Charlotte Barslund (Verso) Norway
- Jimi Hendrix Live in Lviv by Andrey Kurkov, translated by Reuben Woolley (MacLehose) Ukraine
- The Birthday Party by Laurent Mauvignier, translated by Daniel Levin Becker (Fitzcarraldo) France
- While We Were Dreaming by Clemens Meyer, translated by Katy Derbyshire (Fitzcarraldo) Germany
- Pyre by Perumal Murugan, translated by Aniruddhan Vasudevan (Pushkin) India
- A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding by Amanda Svensson, translated by Nichola Smalley (Scribe) Sweden
- Ninth Building by Zou Jingzhi, translated by Jeremy Tiang (Honford Star) China
- Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated by Michael Hofmann (Granta Books) Tyskland
- Not a River by Selva Almada, translated by Annie McDermott (Charco Press) Argentina (shortlist)
- The Details by Ia Genberg, translated by Kira Josefsson (Wildfire Books) Sverige (shortlist)
- Mater 2-10 by Hwang Sok-yong, translated by Sora Kim-Russell and Youngjae Josephine Bae (Scribe UK) Kina (shortlist)
- What I’d Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma, translated by Sarah Timmer Harvey (Scribe UK) Nederland (shortlist)
- Crooked Plow by Itamar Vieira Junior, translated by Johnny Lorenz (Verso Fiction) Brasil (shortlist)
- Simpatía by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón, translated by Noel Hernández González and Daniel Hahn (Seven Stories Press UK) Venezuela
- White Nights by Urszula Honek, translated by Kate Webster (MTO Press) Polen
- A Dictator Calls by Ismail Kadare, translated by John Hodgson (Harvill Secker) Albania
- The Silver Bone by Andrey Kurkov, translated by Boris Dralyuk (MacLehose Press) Ukraina
- Lost on Me by Veronica Raimo, translated by Leah Janeczko (Virago) Italia
- The House on Via Gemito by Domenico Starnone, translated by Oonagh Stransky (Europa Editions) Italia
- Undiscovered by Gabriela Wiener, translated by Julia Sanches (Pushkin Press) Peru
- The Book of Disappearance by Ibtisam Azem, translated from Arabic by Sinan Antoon
- On the Calculation of Volume I by Solvej Balle, translated from Danish by Barbara J. Haveland
- There’s a Monster Behind the Door by Gaëlle Bélem, translated from French by Karen Fleetwood and Laëtitia Saint-Loubert
- Solenoid by Mircea Cărtărescu, translated from Romanian by Sean Cotter
- Reservoir Bitches by Dahlia de la Cerda, translated from Spanish by Heather Cleary and Julia Sanches
- Small Boat by Vincent Delecroix, translated from French by Helen Stevenson
- Hunchback by Saou Ichikawa, translated from Japanese by Polly Barton
- Under the Eye of the Big Bird by Hiromi Kawakami, translated from Japanese by Asa Yoneda
- Eurotrash by Christian Kracht, translated from German by Daniel Bowles
- Perfection by Vincenzo Latronico, translated from Italian by Sophie Hughes
- Heart Lamp by Banu Mushtaq, translated from Kannada by Deepa Bhasthi
- On a Woman’s Madness by Astrid Roemer, translated from Dutch by Lucy Scott
- A Leopard-Skin Hat by Anne Serre, translated from French by Mark Hutchinson