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mandag 6. september 2010

It's Monday! What are you reading? - nr. 7

It's Monday again, and time to think about what you want to read. As always I post it on Bookjourney!

Books I read last week:
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Two Towers (audio in Norwegian)
John M. Coetzee - Boyhood (in Norwegian)
Susan Abulhawa - Mornings in Jenin (in Norwegian)

Books I reviewed last week:
John M. Coetzee - Boyhood

Books I read now:
J.R.R. Tolkien - The Two Towers (audio in Norwegian)
Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks (in Norwegian)
Susan Abdulhawa - Mornings in Jenin (in Norwegian)

Books I plan to read this week:
I hope I can finish what I've started, but at the library Merice Briffa's second book "Rebel Flag" is waiting, and I'm extremely curious to know what happens next with the fantastic characters. I'm also waiting for some books in the mail; books by authors Elizabeth Gilbert, Jenna Blum and Daphne du Maurier.

What are you planning to read this week?


5 kommentarer:

  1. Hi! Which book by Elizabeth Gilbert are you waiting for? I read this nice one about lobster fisher men. Or is it the famous Eat, Pray, Love? I liked them both.

    My post is here: http://leeswammes.wordpress.com

  2. My son (23) is listening to the Lord of the Rings books on audio. He is a huge fan. Enjoy

  3. leeswammes: I'm waiting for "Eat, pray, love". I ordered it in English, because I've heard that the Norwegian translation is so-so:/

    Nise': I enjoy it more than I thought I would. I've seen the movies a number of times, so I know the story, but the books are really interesting:)

  4. I'm in the middle of Eat, Pray, Love and Im quite enjoying it, havent seen the movie, I think it's due for release in the next week or two in Australia. Have a great week and happy reading :-)

  5. Teddyree: I received "Eat, pray, love" in the mail today and look forward to reading it. The movie is due to release next month in Norway (I think) so I have some time:) Have a great week and happy reading:)
