Utgitt: 2009
Format: Kindle
Forlag: Zondervan
Baksidetekst: Could they change the world---before the world changes them? Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison left the mission field of Indonesia for the mission field of Hollywood with a dream bigger than both of them. Now they have done the impossible: raised enough money to produce a feature film with a message that could change the world. But as Chase and Keith begin shooting, their well-laid plans begin to unravel. With millions of dollars on the line, they make a desperate attempt to keep the film from falling apart---even as a temperamental actress, a botched production schedule, and their own insecurities leave little room for the creative and spiritual passion that once motivated them. Was God really behind this movie after all? A chance meeting and friendship with John Baxter could bring the encouragement they need to stay on mission and produce a movie that will actually change people's lives. In the midst of the questions and the cameras, is it possible to keep things above the line and make a movie unlike anything done before---or is the risk too great for everyone?
Dette er første bok i Above the line-serien, og den handler først og fremst om filmprodusentane Chase og Keith og deira turbulente vei mot å laga filmverda eit bedre sted å vera. Me får og treffa Andi, dottera til Keith, Bailey Flanigan og resten av Flanigan-familien. Bailey, Andi, Tim Reed (frå tidlegare Baxter-bøker) og Cody Coleman har begynt på Indiana University og det er spennande med musikaler, teater og filminnspilling innimellom studiene. Eg elsker å lesa vidare om Bailey og Cody og Baxter-familien, men resten syns eg er kjedelig. Det er ikkje så spennande å lesa om filmlaging som det er å sjå filmen.
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