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lørdag 6. august 2011

Bok: "Wives and Daughters"

Forfatter: Elizabeth C. Gaskell
Utgitt: 1865
Format: Kindle
Forlag: Penguin Classics

Baksidetekst: Novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published serially in the Cornhill Magazine (August 1864-January 1866) and then in book form in 1866; it was unfinished at the time of her death in November 1865. Known as her last, longest, and perhaps finest work, it concerns the interlocking fortunes of several families in the country town of Hollingford. Wives and Daughters chronicles the maturation of Molly Gibson, a sincere young woman whose widowed father, the town doctor, marries Hyacinth Kirkpatrick, a charming but petty widow and former governess in the household of Lord Cumnor. Although Molly resents her stepmother, she befriends her stepsister Cynthia, who is secretly engaged to Lord Cumnor's land agent, Mr. Preston. Molly is warmly received at the home of Squire Hamley and his disabled wife. The Hamleys' two sons are Osborne, a clever but shallow man who marries unwisely and dies young, and Roger, an honest scientist who eventually marries Molly after being engaged to Cynthia, who ultimately weds a London barrister.

Slik eg ser det har eg nå lest dei 3 største verka til Elizabeth C. Gaskell. Cranford var koselig, North and South er ein nydelig kjærlighetshistorie, medan Wives and Daughters var ... kjedelig! Eg har sett filmatiseringa frå 1999 og den er fin, men eg trur BBC må ha magiske evner når det gjelder å omdanne bøker til film. Historien er grei, det er bare måten den er skrevet på som gjer den kjedelig. Har du tolmod og god tid, les gjerne boka, men du får vel så mykje igjen for å sjå miniserien.


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