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søndag 10. juli 2011

Bok: "Take Three"

Forfatter: Karen Kingsbury
Utgitt: 2010
Format: Kindle
Forlag: Zondervan

Baksidetekst: Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison set out to change the world with their films-and they are finally seeing their dreams come true. The dedicated producers are deep in negotiations with America-s top young movie star to play the lead in their next inspirational movie. But life takes a sudden turn for Chase, removing him from Jeremiah Productions permanently. In the process, Keith brings on one of the Baxter family members and the moviemaking continues. At the same time, a crisis hits Keith-s daughter, Andi, and Keith feels helpless to respond. Devastated by the consequences of her wrong actions, Andi ventures out on her own and decides on a course of action that could destroy her. Meanwhile, Bailey Flanigan is caught up in her own drama with Cody Coleman. A Campus Crusade retreat gives them time alone along the shores of Lake Monroe and lets them face a possibility they-ve avoided for years. Will Keith keep the passion he had at the start of his filmmaking-and will there be enough passion left over for his hurting daughter? Or has their quest to change American culture become nothing more than a quest for fame?

Tredje bok i Above the Line-serien, og eg likte denne mykje betre enn dei to foregåande. I denne har Kingsbury klart å flette saman historiane på ein mykje betre måte. Filmskaperne har og komt meir inn på resten av Bloomington-innbyggerne og det gjer boka mykje betre for min del. Eg skummer ennå ein del, men eg gleder meg over forholdet mellom Bailey og Cody.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Eg las den boka på norsk og likte den så godt. Eg kjøpte boka på bok og media for å ha noko å lese i påsken, men eg las dessverre heile boka ut på ein dag. Eg er enig at den er betre enn deu to foregåande bøkene.

  2. Jillt å høyra at andre og les Karen Kingsbury, føler meg litt aleine til tider:-)
